Synthstrom Deluge content indexing on
Install content on a Deluge SD card
- Search for kits, songs or synth patches
- Once you've found some you like, click Download button
- The downloaded
file contains everything that is needed to install it on a Deluge SD card. Copy it on SD card root and unzip it. On macOS and with some tools the archive gets extracted in a new directory with the same file name. In such cases move the directory content up one folder and remove the new (now empty) directory to clean things out.
Download a full Deluge repository
- While browsing Deluge content select a repository (by clicking on the second synth or kit subtitle). You're now viewing the content from a specific repository
- Click the repository name on the title. You're redirected to the repository's GitHub page
- Click the
menu and choose the Download ZIP action
Index a new Deluge repository
Sharing new kits, songs and synth patches requires publishing them on GitHub as a repository and adding it to Delugist. Once you've added a GitHub repository you can keep adding Deluge resources to it, and these will be automatically indexed in Delugist. To setup a new GitHub repository for sharing Deluge content see specific instructions.