Here are some instructions for setting up a Raspberry Pi 3B or a Raspberry Pi 4B as a MIDI host for USB or Bluetooth musical equipment. The purpose is to build an as-simple-as-possible device with no user interface that can be switched on and off by simply connecting/disconnecting to/from a power source.
This is being used daily since years by hundreds of musicians and by me on the following equipment:
- Synthstrom Deluge
- Prophet 12
- Moog Subsequent
- Behringer Model D
- Behringer Neutron
- Elektron Analog Keys
- Kawai MP11
- Behringer DeepMind 12
- Novation Circuit
- Waldorf Blofeld Keyboard
- Arturia KeyStep
- Roli Seaboard Blocks and Lightpad
- Yamaha MODX 6
- Elektron Model:Cycles
- Behringer RD-8
- iPad 5 with Moog System 15 App, GeoShred and many other apps
- a Raspberry Pi 3B or a Raspberry Pi 4B or a Raspberry Pi 2B
- a microSD card (4GB is enough. More is ok, but useless in this case)
- a micro USB power charger, sending at least 2A (most modern smartphone power chargers suffice)
- a USB/MIDI music device for testing
- optional a MIDI-Bluetooth device for testing Bluetooth connectivity
- Download the RPi 3 SD image or the RPi 4 SD image (updated with Raspbian Buster released 2020-02-13).
Here's another ready to use image for Raspberry Pi 2B (with optional TP-Link UB400 Bluetooth dongle) kindly provided by Shreyash Agarwal: - Download and install balenaEtcher
- Use balenaEtcher to flash the image to the microSD card
- Unmount the microSD and plug it on the Raspberry
- Make music!
Here are the complete instructions
Here's a similar project that uses Pi Zero-W 1.1 enhanced with DIN-MIDI: A minimalistic MIDI interface for the Raspberry Pi